Deck options for proof cards
Here are my deck options (as of 2021-04-07) for my proof cards decks.
New Cards:
- Steps: 960
- Order: Show new cards in order added
- New cards/day: 1
- Graduating interval: 30 days
- Easy interval: 45 days
- Starting ease: 250%
- Bury related new cards until the next day: yes
- Maximum reviews/day: 100
- Easy bonus: 130%
- Interval modifier: 100%
- Maximum interval: 36500 days
- Bury related reviews until the next day: yes
- Steps: (blank)
- New interval: 90%
- Minimum interval: 30 days
- Leech threshold: 8 lapses
- Leech action; Suspend Card
- Ignore answer times longer than 3600 seconds
- Show answer timer: yes
- Automatically play audio: yes
- Always include question side when replaying audio: yes
i just turned off lapse steps for math problems deck — now when i get something wrong, it stays as a "learned" card, but the new interval is just 90% of the previous interval. my goal is to just keep the number of reviews down. if i've reviewed a problem and given it a fair shot, then even if i get it wrong i don't want to do it again in 16 hours (which was the old learning step). an interesting problem could happen where i keep getting the problem wrong — it's like i never learned how to do it. anyway, time will tell. the problem with anki, as i've remarked on before, is that these personal experiments take time, because you need a few months to forget things to see how well they've worked or not. -- in this case i think it turned out fine. i'm still using this option.
Something I might do in the future is to make multiple deck options, because for some problems I am fine with only doing them at a much reduced frequency (say, ask me again in three months, then a year, and so on).